Allyza`s Final Double Exposure

March 19, 2019 allyza tabirara 0 Comments

This project was us playing around with double exposure and photoshop. Our teacher was very kind in providing us with videos showing tutorials of different methods into accomplishing this kind of look. A double exposure image is an image where 2 images are merged together to create a completely new and unique image. For this task, we had to take portraits of our selves and merge it with other images such as landscapes or a city skyline. This assignment was very fun and frustrating at the same time, it was fun taking the pictures and having all these ideas but personally, I had little difficulty blending the image and my subject's well into together. Although it wasn't super hard because i had prior knowledge of this application and knew the basic understanding to use layers. This assignment was quite fun because it opened up a new part of photography and was fun to shoot and edit.