Mary Photographic Composition Post

January 14, 2019 Mary 0 Comments

© Mary Sandoval 2019

Hello! I am back again with another fun and amazing assignment for my Grade 9 GCT course. We played around with our phones and cameras to capture composition. In this major assignment we were given the choice to take 3 out of 9 compositions minimum for a good mark. In our slidedeck we needed to include photographs for each genre of composition we chose and provide a notes slide to explain. This assignment was quite controversial and needed a good amount of time and effort to complete all this. In the end this it was still a great assignment that gave us an opportunity to play and experience a whole new world of photography. Composition in photography is work of visuals composed of art. Consisting of relative objects and elements in a work of art. The key aspect of composition is to give your work a lot of attention. A good composition is one that has just enough detail and no more than that. The significance of composition is to find the right balance between elements presentable. Composition is the perfect way for guiding the viewer's eyes towards the important elements of your work.