Kyle's Portrait Post

February 21, 2019 kyle73 0 Comments

Top 10 Tips & Tricks For Taking The Best Portrait Photo: 

1. Setting Up - have the subject occupy most of the composition/picture

2. Rule of Thirds - have your subject at one of these points of interest and make sure to remove extraneous elements

3. Utilize a tripod.

4. Have the subject focused and the background blurred to put emphasis. (max out aperture)

5. Use long shutter speeds to create motion with lights (long exposure)

6. Utilize props to enhance the photo.

7. Subject when posing: (limbs & torsos)
(softly bent and curved) - feelings of brashness and masculinity
(straight and jagged) - feelings of softness and femininity

8. Direct instead of pose - give subject a role to play or emotion to act out after directing the position of limbs and torso

9. Capture motion - give subject an action to portray that creates movement (no blur)