My Family Portraits by Ryan Tieu

June 06, 2019 ryan tieu 0 Comments

My Family Portraits

I picture my family as a computer. My dad, he is the software that powers the whole family. He makes sure the computer functions properly and updates the system once in a while, just how he takes us on vacation during the summer. He makes sure we have what we need and doesn’t give up just for his family. If it weren’t for the software, the computer would break down and the family would be a total mess. My mom would be the keyboard. She teaches us valuable lessons at home and expects us to behave respectively, just as the keyboard projects the words we type. If she didn’t teach us lessons, we wouldn’t know how to react to certain situations. As for the computer, if there is no keyboard, words wouldn’t be typed just as lessons won’t be taught. Lastly, my brother would be the accessories. He is there to help out a bit but does not contribute as much as the parents, just like the chargers.


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