My Family Portraits By: Kyle Aguason

June 04, 2019 kyle73 0 Comments

My Family Portraits
I like to see my family as a a really long car ride which first began when my parents sealed the deal in holy matrimony, and had my sister and I. There are usually 7 phases in a long road trip. Initially everything goes super smooth. The air inside the car is nice and cool and everyone is filled to the brim with joy for what the journey will yield. After the first 5 hours this would be know as the tired phase. The driver starts getting restless, everyone feels the life being drained from them, and the air feels a lot hotter. After the 7th hour this is where the road gets bumpy. We make a lot of mistakes on the way spilling drinks and ruining the car and eventually chaos spreads. Then we have the super steep uphill where our family bond is truly tested by a heartbreaking moment. This is the breaking point for most cars. After enduring the hardest part and finally reaching the top, this is when the downhill slope begins. Everything settles down and the car starts gaining momentum. This is when my sister can start helping my parents financially and where they can start to rest more. Then it's the home stretch when my parents will be close to retirement and I will almost be finished school. Finally we have the final destination where my sister and I will be independent and able to take care of our parents during retirement.



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