Sarah's portrait post

January 31, 2019 sarah h. 0 Comments


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Justin's Portrait Post

January 31, 2019 JustinDuot 0 Comments

The GCT class of 2018-2019 had 1 class to take photos of each other for this project on how to take good portrait photos. We used that class to learn different techniques on taking portrait photos and we're now supposed to make a top 10 list of the best techniques in taking good portrait photos which is what that is down below.

Top 10

10 - Make Sure the subject (the person) take up most of the space in the photo but still have some background

9 - Have your camera setting fit with the setting for your photo (ISO, F-STOP, APERTURE, Etc)

8 - If you have one, use a tripod to keep from blurry photos, especially in cold days when you’re shivering and you can't
take a clear photo
7 - Make sure your subject is in focus and not the background

6 - The backdrop, props, and outfit must be similar like if you’re taking a beach photos have the subject wear beach clothes

5 - If you have props, use them to make the photo look more appealing rather then just having a solid color background.

4 - Have the person do poses to make the photo look interesting

3 - Try using natural light to make the photo look more appealing rather then artificial light.

2 - Show motion in the photo to add interest

1 - Don't take 1 photo at a time, take multiple and pick the photo you like instead of having to keep retaking the photo.


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Frans' Portrait Post

January 31, 2019 frans 0 Comments

Recently, the GCT crew has been working with taking portraits shots. We were commissioned to take different shots of our subjects in various locations around the school. The locations where we took our shots, all contained a banuasic backdrop to convey the stature of our subject. All of us were required to take a shot from both portrait and landscape. Our task was straightforward, but after we had to inquire more on taking better quality portraits by watching videos. Afterwards, the GCT class has a better understanding on the components of how to take a great portrait. I'm looking forward to incorporating the new techniques I have learned from the videos I watched.

1) Keep your subject focused while everything else is out of focus by using a short depth of field
2) If there is a lot of light, change your ISO to 100. If there's minimal light, change your ISO to 400
3) A larger aperture can help create a short depth of field, perfect for the out of focus background
4) When capturing people, try and find what is unique about that person and try and capture that
5) If you don't know what to set your shutter speed to, put your camera on aperture priority on the mode dial and then when you set the aperture, the shutter speed will be correctly set automatically 6) Use natural light as it is more flattering 7) Use straight lines when conveying masculinity, and s-lines when conveying something soft or feminine 8) Backdrop, outfits, and props should be harmonious 9) Utilize motion to add interest 10) When positioning your subject, think of the rule of thirds. You want to put your subject where the points of interest are.


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Getting Started with Adobe Premiere

January 29, 2019 Mr. H 0 Comments

Here are some videos to get you started with our Movie software.


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Shots and Angles the Video Edition by Khoa

January 28, 2019 khoa 0 Comments


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Khoa's Photographic Composition Post

January 28, 2019 khoa 0 Comments

During this assignment Mr. Harbeck had given us options on mastering different compositions for photography. To start it was quite the challenge understanding the assignment, but I sooner got familiar with the intent. Having my phone at times was very convenient, not having to carry a camera and having a portable phone made it easy for when nature sent any great visuals in my sight!


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Photographic Composition by Sarah

January 24, 2019 sarah h. 0 Comments

In this assignment, our GCT class chose 3 or more out of 9 composition techniques to become an "expert" in. I chose line, sub-framing and negative space; as you will see in the slideshow below. In the general term "composition describes placement of relative objects and elements in a work of art". It helps you understand different elements in your shot and how to see or choreograph a better picture. I learned how composition is a good element to include in my photography and will hope to use it much more in my continued works.


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Allyza's Portrait Post

January 24, 2019 allyza tabirara 0 Comments

For this assignment which was given a short amount of time to complete, we had to take portraits using different lenses and cameras. We had to take 2 shots with each camera, one landscape and one horizontal. We had to take pictures of our partners really quickly. In this picture using this lens, we had to go outside during freezing cold weather just to take this picture. Each of the stations were different, they had different backgrounds and cameras and lens. we were fortunate enough to use 4 really nice lenses with a nice chunk of glass. we used an 18-55mm, 50mm, 85mm and 18-255mm. The Tamron 85mm? was my favorite lens because of the depth of field and the giant aperture it had. Although this assignment was very very quick it was still fun and a great learning experience.

Top Ten Tips Of Taking A Good Portraits.
1) Make sure your subject is in focus
2) Set moods and tones
3) Capture emotion to add interest
4) Try to frame your subject tightly and apply the rule of thirds
5) Create depth of field
6) Play with light
7) Always work with your subject
8) Apply lines and curves
9) Play with perspective
10) Direct instead of pose


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Cielo's Portrait Post

January 23, 2019 cielo pangilinan 0 Comments

This assignment was a simple and fast. Mr. Harbeck set up 4 different stations. We all had to capture a sophisticated portrait of our subject, also known as our partner. The pictures we had to take were landscape and portrait framed for each station.  Each station was a little different due to the lens. Afterwards, we were told to make a list of the top 10 ways to capture a portrait. We collected our information from the videos Mr. Harbeck has provided for us This gave the GCT crew a bigger idea on what photography is and how you can take many beautiful pictures with simply just changing a lens and impacting the look of a picture from another. This assignment was quick but still was fun to play around with the different lenses!

Another assignment that went along with this one was that we had to compare portraits that were taken with a flash and one without. The lighting in other areas were brighter than the others which made the flash give in a big difference towards the photo.We also included a photo of our hand. This time we got to explore the work of the flash and the impact it does towards our photo. The additional light can really help when you're in a shady or dark area. so it could expose your subject. This assignment was mostly to see how the flash can help you as a photographer with the different lighting and if you are struggling with the lighting as well.


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Portrait Assignment

January 22, 2019 Mr. H 0 Comments

Taking good portraits is very difficult.  Please peruse these videos to get some helpful hints.  After watching them I would like you to make a Top Ten list of things to remember and do when taking portraits.


To start your blog Post
Title #$%^'s Portrait Post
Labels yourname, portrait,

In the body have a Top 10 things to do when taking Portraits


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Kurt Photographic Composition Post

January 16, 2019 Kurt 0 Comments


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Allyza Composition Post

January 15, 2019 allyza tabirara 0 Comments

In this assignment, our GCT class was again assigned a task about the different kinds of composition in different images. We had a love and hate relation with this assignment.  The composition is the arranging of objects within the frame of a photograph. In this assignment we have to frame our shots before actually physically shooting them. This assignment required us to use our personal opinion of what genre our photo goes to. We were given 9 different genres of composition. Line, shape, sub-framing, rhythm, the rule of thirds.rule of odds, simplification. We also had time to play around with black and white photography, which i personally love and hate at the same time. In black and white photography composition is a big part of it as well as using light properly. we had to keep certain aspects of what the photo consists of and tried to use that knowledge when shooting our pictures. This assignment also made us crop some pictures and look at it from a different aspect, Unlike the other assignments we were given the privilege to use our phones, which we are very good at using because of its basically part of our hand.

Mr harbeck idk how to add a slideshow thing to here


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Photographic Composition Post By: Chris

January 15, 2019 chris marquez 0 Comments

As a learner in photography, I've come across that composition really meets the higher level of art and photography. Composition is an arrangement or a picture composed of visual elements of objects in a work of art. As a class we were assigned to take photos according to the 3-9 visual composition elements.This assignment required me to take a step back and look at the bigger picture differently


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photographic composition by jam

January 15, 2019 jam 0 Comments

Our new assignment is called COMPOSITION. It's the placement or arrangement of visual elements in a work of art. There are 9 types of composition, but we were given the choice to pick 3 of them but we can also do all 9 if we wish. I chose to do 8 of them, line, shape, simplification, negative space, sub-framing, rule of space, rule of odds, and rhythm.


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Shots And Angles the Video Edition By Yana

January 15, 2019 Yana Barawid 0 Comments


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Shots and Angles the Video Edition By: Haya

January 15, 2019 haya grefalda 0 Comments


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Photographic Composition by: Haya

January 15, 2019 haya grefalda 0 Comments

Our GCT class was assigned a new assignment called composition. Composition is the arrangement of elements or ingredients in a photo. We were given nine topics; line, shape, rhythm, rule of odds, rule of thirds, simplification, sub-framing, negative space, and rule of space. We choose 3-9 of these topics and take at least 3 pictures that match it's descriptions. We were given multiple examples and learned a lot about each topic from the videos that were provided for us. For this assignment we were able to use our phones to take pictures which made the assignment a little easier. 


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Photographic Composition Post By: Kiana

January 15, 2019 Kiana Mercredi 0 Comments

New year, new assignment. For this GCT assignment we learned and experimented with different genres of composition. Composition is a way of guiding the viewer's eye towards the most important elements of your work, sometimes in a very specific order. Composition is largely a matter of personal taste and by doing this assignment we got to discover what our personal taste was. We were given nine topics to choose from: line, negative space, rule of odds, rule of space, sub framing, shape, simplification, rule of thirds and rhythm. Out of the nine genres that were listed we had to chose 3-9 of them to learn about and take pictures of. Doing this assignment got me to think more about the surroundings of my main subject and where I wanted everything positioned. This assignment also allowed me to explore different post production techniques to make my photos look the best that I can. Unlike our previous assignments, we were allowed to use our phones to take a majority of our pictures which made it a bit easier.


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Maegan Photographic Composition Post

January 14, 2019 maegan ilagan 0 Comments

Composition is truly an essential aspect of photography as it allows a photograph to portray emotion, interest and sets the overall tone of the picture. It is something that emphasizes the most crucial visual elements in your photograph while still creating a balance between elements. We captured pictures in various genres of composition such as line, rhythm, simplification, negative space, shape and rule of odds. Certain aspects of each genre had to be kept in mind like for instance, the mood we wanted to create, what element we wanted to emphasize and in terms of post-production, how we could crop the photo to achieve the most effective frame. Taking photos particularly for composition was not merely in the sense of constantly shooting and hoping to find a decent picture. A lot of thought was required for certain aspects like the angle, lighting and framing in order to create the most effective picture for that genre. Overall, photographing composition has to be my favourite assignment due to the exploration and planning it took to acquire the desired picture.


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Ryan Photographic Composition Post

January 14, 2019 ryan tieu 0 Comments

For our first assignment of 2019, we did composition to explore several ways on the placement of visual elements in a photo and to improve our skills in photography. We were given the choice to choose three out of the nine topics or you could do them all. I decided to do them all because it would be a fun adventure to explore different types of composition and more than one to see the difference from one another. The nine topics were Line, Sub Framing, Rule Of Odds, Rule Of Thirds, Rule Of Space, Negative Space, Shape, Rhythm, and Simplification. There was some advice that helped explain things more meaningful with the videos provided and it was quite fun but somewhat challenging.

Lines can slightly help increase the impact of images by defining the shape and drawing the eyes of the viewer to keep their attention focused on the image with clear understanding.

Sub Framing is a picture within another picture. This helps add interest and the viewer's attention towards the main subject (middle of the frame)

The shape is the first thing we see in a picture and it's usually the most or one of the most important things we find in the picture. It helps emphasize the lines and makes the main subject stick out more.

Negative Space focuses on the main subject and the relationship with its surroundings. It is the space around and between the subjects allowing the main subject to express itself and have its own space for spotlight/attention.

 Rule Of Odds is a picture with an odd number amount of subjects. Having an odd amount of subjects in the picture makes it more visually appealing to the eye rather than having an even amount.

Rhythm is a series of pattern that forms a structure to show the subjects and makes it easy for the viewer to follow along as the shapes, lines, and colours are being repeated in a uniform composition.

Rule Of Space simply creates a sense of motion or action towards your composition. It involves creating negative space that will relate to the subject's movement. In the picture above my friend, Mark is walking down the path, creating a sense of motion.

Rule Of Thirds is a guideline that helps build drama and draws attention in a piece. This rule states that is has to be divided into nine equal squares including two horizontal lines intersecting two verticle lines.

Simplification reduces everything else to focus on the main subject(s) because it is an important part of the piece and it is not necessary to include the background and its surroundings.


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Shots and Angles the Video Edition by Kyle Aguason

January 14, 2019 kyle73 0 Comments


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Nicole Photographic Composition Post

January 14, 2019 nicole 16 0 Comments

     In this assignment we were assigned to learn and complete at least 3 different composition shots like line, sub-framing, and etc. I was able to learn about composition and how to take different types of composition not only rule of thirds. I was also really able to create and have control over my shots by placing and arranging different objects for a certain shot i wanted to accomplish. This assignment was one of the assignments for GCT that i was very excited for and though it did take sometime trying to rearrange objects and taking lots of photos i really enjoyed the freedom of creating your own shots, and having that variety of different composition elements to learn about and to recreate.


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Shots And Angles Video Edition By Ryan Tieu

January 14, 2019 ryan tieu 0 Comments


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Kyle Aguason Photographic Composition Post

January 14, 2019 kyle73 0 Comments


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Vino Uson Photographic compositon

January 14, 2019 vino 0 Comments


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Mary Photographic Composition Post

January 14, 2019 Mary 0 Comments

© Mary Sandoval 2019

Hello! I am back again with another fun and amazing assignment for my Grade 9 GCT course. We played around with our phones and cameras to capture composition. In this major assignment we were given the choice to take 3 out of 9 compositions minimum for a good mark. In our slidedeck we needed to include photographs for each genre of composition we chose and provide a notes slide to explain. This assignment was quite controversial and needed a good amount of time and effort to complete all this. In the end this it was still a great assignment that gave us an opportunity to play and experience a whole new world of photography. Composition in photography is work of visuals composed of art. Consisting of relative objects and elements in a work of art. The key aspect of composition is to give your work a lot of attention. A good composition is one that has just enough detail and no more than that. The significance of composition is to find the right balance between elements presentable. Composition is the perfect way for guiding the viewer's eyes towards the important elements of your work.


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Photographic Composition Post By: Cielo

January 14, 2019 cielo pangilinan 0 Comments

The Grade 9 GCT class has been playing around with the cameras and been capturing composition through the lens. Composition is the work in photography that places and arranges objects to create a beautiful image. It's like making art with photography. It can also catch the viewer's eyes to the main points of an image and helps you focus on what you want the viewer's to see. In this assignment we were told to pick 3 out of the 9 genres of compositions and in the slide deck we insert some notes of each composition we did. This assignment can get a little problematic and you can be uncertain at times if you're doing this right, but each time you take a photo it is one step closer to learning how that type of composition works. Overall, I think that this was a gratifying experience and assignment to work with.


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Francine Photographic Composition post

January 13, 2019 Francine Louise 0 Comments


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Shots and Angles Video Edition by Maegan

January 13, 2019 maegan ilagan 0 Comments

Cinematography is something that I personally have gotten into around 3 years ago in grade 7. Looking back, although my work was most definitely amateur and imperfect, I have established basic knowledge on various shots and angles using videos. As we initially delved into cinematography last term, I was able to expand my knowledge in order to create a 1 minute "how-to" video on curling hair. Through this process, I was able to discover more types of shots and angles such as the POV shot, the over the shoulder shot and the extreme close up. We were also introduced to 10 different kinds of shot sequences which I definitely enjoyed exploring. For my video, I was particularly fond of using the POV shot, Perspective Shift and Match on Reaction to portray a certain plot. It was very  tricky to achieve these shots because everything had to correspond to previous shots. If something was out of place, if the lighting wasn't the same or if I didn't execute the movement close enough to previous shots, the overall progression of the video would look odd. The video would also not have turned out if it weren't for editing which admittedly, was a bit of a bumpy process for me as I have never used Adobe Premier before. Nevertheless, this was an overall enjoyable experience and I have learned quite a lot regarding filming and editing. I hope to carry on what I've learned in the future videos I may create.


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Shots and Angles the Video Edition by: Handrey

January 11, 2019 Handrey 0 Comments


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Photographic Composition Post By: Frans

January 09, 2019 frans 0 Comments

Our class has been working on Composition to further improve our photography skills. Composition in photography can alter how you're taking your photos as you may want to consider the position you're in, reducing image components, and many more. We were allowed to pick 3 or 9 of the topics to be familiar with such as Line, Shape, Simplification, Negative Space, Rule Of Odds, Rule of Thirds, Rule Of Space, Sub-Framing, and Rhythm. We were showcased multiple videos about this topics which guided us on what type of pictures we wanted to take. It was a fruitful experience being able to take the photos, but additionally challenging.

Line helps guide the viewers eyes to the composition. It defines shapes and makes a statement. A tip when working with lines in photography, you might want to change your point of view. There are 5 types of lines, organic lines, diagonal lines, horizontal or vertical lines, and implied lines. Diagonal lines and organic lines are present in this shot from the wires.

Shape emphasizes lines in compositions. There are a plethora of techniques with shape like scale, cropping, fragmentation, focus, metaphor, and implied shape. I focused on scale in this shot, and by placing one of the vases in the back, it creates an illusion that one vase is bigger than the other. A vertical line fragments where the two vases meet up.

Simplification reduces an images component to what it necessary. There is more negative space since it allows the composition to breath. When working with simplification, take things out of the image that is not important to the subject of the picture. As you can see in the shot, there is a wide area of negative space. 

Negative Space is all about figure and ground relationship. Similar to simplification, negative space allows the subject to breath. Having a balance of high and low impact gives a natural and calming feeling to the viewers. In my shot, my composition is the tree branches, and the negative space is the sky. As you can see, there is minimal activity to my shot. 

Rule Of Odds is simply, a grouping of 3 subjects. It is more pleasing to the eye if there is an odd number of subjects in the shot, rather than an even one. Rule Of Odds suggests balance and harmony. In this composition, there are 3 strawberries. The 2 strawberries in the side brings balance to the middle strawberry.

Rule Of Thirds in composition is use to achieve balance. Imagine your shot was divided into 2 lines vertically and horizontally, the points where the lines intertwine is where you want to put your composition. There should be 4 compositions in your shot. The composition in my shot is the 2 cars, the roof, and the electric pole.

Rule Of Space implies action, creates a sense of motion. Incorporate negative space that will relate to the subject's movement. The viewer creates a conclusion for the subject. In this shot, my brother, is about to go up the stairs, which creates a sense of motion and conclusion.

Sub-Framing is a picture, within a picture. The picture is either enclosed in a shape or line to frame it. Sub-Framing creates contrast between 2 subjects. In my shot, the hole that leads to the slide, creates a picture within a picture.

Rhythm in composition, is a musical metaphor. There is a series of pattern like a rhythm. Syncopation is a rhythm that starts to pull against the main pulse, which in turn starts to make it feel less natural. My shot has syncopation since there is no pulse or pattern in the composition.


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Justin Photographic Composition

January 09, 2019 JustinDuot 0 Comments

My Class has been doing an assignment for the past couple weeks on taking photos for composition and learning about different types of composition. I picked 4 composition types and the photos are shown in the slide deck below. I chose the compositions Line, Shape, Sub Framing, and Rule of Odds because those seemed the most interesting to me and it seemed like the easiest compositions to take a photo of.


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Colin Photographic Composition Post

January 07, 2019 Colin 8-16 0 Comments

Right before the Christmas Break, We were given an assignment on Composition in 3-9 steps. Those 9 ways were "Line", "Shape", "Simplification", "Negative Space", "Rule of Odds", "Rule Of Thirds" , "Rule of Space", "Sub-Framing", "Rhythm", and "Tempo". I chose Line, Negative Space, and Rule of Odds. Each of these techniques create very unique photos that have distinct features that can let you recognize which of the techniques is being used in the photo.


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Shots and Angles the Video Edition

January 07, 2019 Mr. H 0 Comments

Here is what you need in your Slide Deck

Define the following

 Video concepts and what they are good for.


Storyboard for Video



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Yana Photographic Composition Post

January 07, 2019 Yana Barawid 0 Comments

In this assignment, we learned all about composition. We learned 9 types, line, shape, simplification, negative space, rule of odds, rule of thirds, rule of space, sub-framing and rhythm. Composition taught me how to organize and balance my images. We were given 3-9 to choose from and capture images for them. This assignment, I really had to be patient because it was hard planning pictures. To show our work, we put our images in a slide deck, with the definitions of what we picked along with at least 3 pictures for each one. I learnt that composition was very hard to deal with but if you put effort into this, I bet it would create a great image.



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