photographing motion by Sarah Hildebrand

December 04, 2018 sarah h. 0 Comments

This assignment allowed me to capture different types of motion like panning, stop motion, exaggerated motion and blurred motion. Each of these different types of movement were all particular to the motion of your your subject and your camera settings.

To pan you pick a moving subject and follow their movement while rapidly taking photos. your shutter speed should be .... and your

In stop motion photos your goal is take motion and stop it. You will end up with one or multiple subjects frozen in mid-movement. In the photo above, you see my friend Christine, tossing multiple items at me. these objects were seemingly "frozen in time"

in exaggerated motion photos you want your subject in motion where you can see them or a part of them going through motion. Their body should be "altered" or placed seemingly more than what is normally possible in one frame. In the photo above you can see me behind my friend Christine moving my arms. in exaggerated motion.

In blurred motion shots like the one above, there is blurred motion to show movement. In the scene behind my friend, Jam, you can see students playing a game of tchoukball. Since they are running in the gym, their motion is blurred.